As a branch of Applied Chemistry the food chemistry deals with the chemical examination and analysis of food and food components, and studies the chemical aspects of food technology.
The essential aim of food chemistry is the control and the guarantee of a high and unloaded from foreign substances quality of our food, to which the consumer as the legislature imposes high quality requirements.
For the assessment and analysis of food, the whole range of chemical and physical methods, as well as special examination procedure is ready.
Below you will find online available information resources on food chemistry.
Content, Topics
Lecture Notes, Tutorials
Food Chemistry
Lecture notes - Format: PDF
Special Information
The chemistry of baking - Format: PDF
Deep-Fat Frying Oils
The chemistry of deep-fat frying oils
Food chemistry experiments - Format: PDF
Food Additives
List and short discription of several food additives. CSPI
Food additives and flavourings
Information from the European Commission
Food Colours
The chemistry of food colors
Vitamins and Minerals
Lecture notes: the chemistry of foods - Format: PDF
Analysis and Determination
Chemical Methods
Compendium of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Foods. The listed methods for chemical analysis of foods were developed in the Food and Nutrition Research Laboratories of the Food Directorate, and in the Regional Laboratories, of Health Protection Branch (HPB), Health Canada. Health Canada
Data and Databases
List of food additives approved in the European Union and their main function in foods. EUFIC
Flavornet and human odor space
... is a compilation of aroma compounds found in human odor space. A seemingly infinite number of perceptions are invoked by less than 1000 odorants that make up this space. Cornell University
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
... is the most highly rated peer-reviewed journal in ISI's nutrition and dietetics category and publishes the latest worldwide basic and clinical studies relevant to human nutrition in topics such as obesity, vitamins and minerals, nutrition and disease, and energy metabolism. ASN
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
The editors of this journal show their dedication to this search by carefully selecting basic and clinical reports offering new information relating to human nutrition and metabolic diseases including their molecular genetics. Karger
Cereal Chemistry
... is the premier international archival journal in cereal science. American Association of Cereal Chemists
Chemical Senses
... publishes original research and review papers on all aspects of chemoreception in both humans and animals. Oxford Journals
European Food Research and Technology
The journal's mission is the fast publication of high quality papers on front-line research, new and novel techniques and developing trends in such disciplines as chemistry and biochemistry; technology and molecular biotechnology; nutritional chemistry and toxicology; analytical and sensory methodologies and food physics. Springer
Food and Chemical Toxicology
... publishes original research reports and occasional interpretative reviews on the toxic effects, in animals or humans, of natural or synthetic chemicals occurring in the human environment. In addition to studies relating to food, water and other consumer products, papers on industrial and agricultural chemicals and pharmaceuticals are encouraged. Elsevier
Food Chemistry
... publishes original research papers dealing with the chemistry and biochemistry of foods and raw materials covering the entire food chain from 'farm to fork.'. Elsevier
Food Quality and Preference
... publishes original research, critical reviews, topical and practical features and comment. In addition, the journal publishes special invited issues on important timely topics and on the proceedings of relevant conferences on sensory and consumer science, and sensometrics. Elsevier
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food along with safety, composition and processing; including feeds, pesticides, veterinary drugs, plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and other agro-chemicals with their metabolism, toxicology, and environmental fate and the chemical processes involved in nutrition, phytonutrients, flavors, and aromas. American Chemical Society
Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition
. . . is an open access international academic journal providing a platform to food scientists, researchers, food professionals and academia faculty to share and expand the knowledge of scientific advancements in the myriad disciplines of food chemistry, nutrition and applied aspects
Journal that deals with the production, examination and processing of food, consumer products and cosmetics. Wiley
LWT - Food Science and Technology
... is an international journal that publishes innovative papers in the fields of food chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, technology and nutrition. Elsevier
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
... is a primary research journal devoted to health, safety and all aspects of molecular nutrition such as nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics and metabolomics. Wiley
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, EuCheMS
Division of Food Chemistry
European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids
... is a federation of European National Lipids, Fats & Oils Societies and Associations, accepting individuals and enterprises as members
International Food Information Council Foundation
The IFIC Foundation is the educational arm of IFIC. IFIC's mission is to communicate science-based information on food safety and nutrition to health and nutrition professionals, educators, journalists, government officials and others providing information to consumers
Last update: 14.11.2022
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